Green standard

In order to better regulate the development of green buildings and better improve the living environment of human beings, countries around the world have begun to formulate relevant certification standards, so that green buildings can truly have new features of green energy saving in terms of content rather than form

At present, there are more than 100 methods and tools related to the global green building evaluation system, among which there are 26 green building evaluation systems。 These include LEED in the United States, BREEAM in the United Kingdom, DGNB in ​​Germany, CASBEE in Japan, GB Tool in Canada, Green Star in Australia, HQE in France and my country's green building standard evaluation system

China Green Building Certification

Green building certification refers to an evaluation activity that confirms the level of green buildings and carries out informational labels in accordance with the "Green Building Evaluation Standards" and "Green Building Evaluation Technical Rules" and in accordance with the "Green Building Evaluation Label Management Measures"。

LEED certification

LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Pioneer in Energy and Environmental Design)It is a green building evaluation system, which was started in 2003 by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Influential Evaluation Criteria

WELL certification

WELL is the abbreviation of WELL Healthy Building Standard™ (a healthy building standard derived from the United States)。

WELL is the world's first building certification standard aimed at improving human health and well-being in the indoor environment. WELL's people-oriented and pursuit of a healthy environment has received enthusiastic responses from outstanding companies all over the world. As of September 2020, more than 4,400 projects in 63 countries around the world have registered the WELL Healthy Building Standard。


Green Mark (Green Mark) certification

The Green Mark (Green Mark) certification launched by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore in 2005 is a green building evaluation system that evaluates the impact of buildings on the environment and their performance in environmental protection. The assessment indicators include energy conservation, water conservation, and environmental protection. , indoor environmental quality and other green features and innovations。