AHU Air Scrubber

Cooperation with HVAC/AHU contractors

Wellltech's AHU air scrubber is mainly for the AHU system. By capturing  the CO2 in the RAD, it reduces the fresh air intake and directly reduce the loading of water chiller and achieve the energy   consumption

The only way to solve AHU energy-saving through CO2 capture method

AHU Air Scrubber - with ECO features
The "low-temperature regenerable carbon dioxide direct capture technology" innovatively developed by Welltech directly and efficiently adsorbs indoor CO2 gas in the form of internal circulation, and cooperates with the treatment of PM2.5, formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC, etc. to achieve the purpose of purifying indoor air. It greatly reduces the demand for outdoor ventilation of the fresh air system, thereby greatly reducing the energy consumption of heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the resulting AHU system. Its unique filter element design has a one-button automatic regeneration function, which can be recycled at low temperature, low energy consumption, and is green and environmentally friendly. It is an innovative application technology in line with the national carbon neutralization and carbon peaking policy
Carbon peak
Carbon neutral
2035 World Wide Green Target
Building energy saving and consumption reduction is the general trend

Direct absorbing CO2 - reduce fresh air intake from outside building

Keep indoor CO2 level < 800ppm

Inventory of green building evaluation standards in various countries

Help with Green Building Scores

AHU energy saving

IAQ improvement

Combined with AHU system

Increase return air usage

Reduce fresh air intake

About AHU air scrubber,
please contact us

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